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History of the Book of Colossians offers a variety of legal forms and contracts including a temporary guardianship form an llc operating agreement and an eviction notice form.

Paul explains and demonstrates the preeminence of Christ in creation, redemption, and the relationships of life in this letter to the Colossians. Christians are complete in Christ. Paul wrote this letter around A.D 60-61. This book is perhaps one of the most Christ centered books in the Bible. This book centers around the Head of the Church which is Jesus Christ. The two major themes in this book are the supremacy of Christ in Chapters one and two and the submission to Christ in Chapters three and four. Colosse was located about one hundred miles east of Ephesus in the region of the seven Asian churches of Revelation Chapters 1-3. It was a minor city that was famous for its glossy black wool. Its neighboring cities were Laodicea and Hierapolis. As you read through this New Testament book, see if you can find at least twelve things Christ is to the believers in Him.
After you read through each chapter of this easy to navigate, free online study bible; simply click the "next" or "previous" chapter buttons at the end of the chapter or click on a chapter number in the tables. If you haven't taken our challenge to read the Bible in less than a year, check our ART system out with the "our challenge" link at the top of any page. Under some verses, you will find cross-reference links that are clickable and usable for study purposes.
Dear Heavenly Father,
As this dear person reads through Your Holy Word, we ask that Your presence be upon them to learn what You desire them to know. May Your Words come alive to them as they draw close to You in this time of reading Your Word at this Online Bible site.
In Jesus' Precious Name,